
Unleashing Psychedelic Hi-Tech Madness

Welcome to the sonic universe of Virtuanoise, where Italian craftsmanship meets the cutting edge of psychedelic hitech music.

About Virtuanoise

Cristian Vigati, known as Virtuanoise, is a maestro in the realm of psychedelic hi-tech sounds. His musical journey began at the tender age of 7, studying accordion and keyboard, laying the foundation for a lifetime dedicated to sound exploration.

Musical Evolution

At 15, Cristian stepped into the psytrance world, discovering a new dimension of music that would shape his artistic identity. By 16, he was not only a DJ but also delving into the production realm, honing his skills with Cubase and Ableton.

The Virtuanoise Sound

Since 2002, Cristian has been crafting sonic landscapes that defy convention. His psychedelic ideas manifest in lightning-fast grooves, hi-tech sounds, and FM modulations, creating environments that resonate with crazy melodies.

Music that Defies Gravity

Discover the cutting edge of Hi-Tech Psytrance with our latest releases.